
Development of madCMS has now plateaued - the system has met all of its original design objectives and is stable. There's lots that could be added, but that would defeat the "keep-it-simple" principle.

Of course, if you want to modify the base code to change or add functionality, you are more than welcome. madCMS is released under GNU General Public License conditions - you are simply obligated to comply with these in your modification and distribution of madCMS

Unless someone picks up a critical bug, the madCMS base system will not have any further functionality incorporated. I am now only developing custom add-on modules for specific clients.

[ Download the latest stable release of code - 580kb .zip ]

By downloading this software, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and accept the disclaimer.

Version History

Version 1.9c

Version 1.9b

Version 1.9

Version 1.8

Version 1.7

Version 1.6

Version 1.5.1

Version 1.5

Version 1.4

Version 1.3

Version 1.2

Version 1.1

Version 1.0


True, the future may consider me wrong, but the future won't necessarily be right. (Ashley Brilliant)